Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stomach Problem

Recently I got really ill, got a stomach problem. Actually it started a year ago, but I just didn't notice. Now that I think back and analyze things, I figured out what might be the cause.

Started when I'm having problem with my digestion system, I don't regularly poo as I was before, because I don't even feel the ache/contraction. A friend of mine introduced me a herbal tea names Chinese Jati Tea (Teh Jati Cina). The dosis is one tea spoon for a glass of water, the color is pale brown. I drink 2 glasses of it in a day. Well it kinda help a little, then I said to my maid to make 2 dose in a bigger mug, so she doesn't have to boil it two times. Later I noticed the color is darker, I thought it might be boiled longer, so the color is thicker. After a while, everytime I drink it, I got more reaction, like feeling more stomach ache. Later I found out that my maid just picked the tea with her fingers, not using tea spoon as a measure anymore. And when I checked, the dose she made was 4x than the normal dose, equals 4 tea spoon for a mug of tea! That means I'm drinking a more solid tea as 4 doses for a one time drink! That's overdose! No wonder I got abnormalities with my stomach.

The last few month I'm getting more severe attack of gastric problem,  it comes and goes, and will heal after a while. But starting Thursday September 16th, the pain comes everyday, each day it's becoming more and more intense. I think it's the collateral damage made by the wrong dose. On Monday I was really in pain at work, but I made it through the day at office. The next day I had to take a day off, it's soooo painfull. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was the worst painfull days I ever experienced. I sweat A LOT when the pain stikes. If my stomach got empty, my gastric started to ache. But if I eat, once the food gets digested, the pain come along, I even vomit a few times. What a dilemmatic situations.

Wednesday till Friday I am making porridge for my meals, I eat small portions each time, and eat every 3-4 hours. Well it's not bad at all, kinda yummy actually. 

I went to see an internist on Thursday noon. He's a good doctor, and to be sure he wants me to check for USG and blood test first before deciding whether I need to have an endoscopy or not. So I did. my USG result is good, no swelling or any other abnormalities. My blood test is also okay, it only shows one abnormality: my Eosinophil level is higher than normal rate. It doesn't tell what disease I am having, but surely indicating that there's something not right inside.

Will go see the doctor again on Thursday, I hope to soon be able to overcome this disease.

Eosinophil granulocytes, usually called eosinophils or eosinophiles (or, less commonly, acidophils), are white blood cells that are one of the immune system components responsible for combating multicellular parasites and certain infections in vertebrates. Along with mast cells, they also control mechanisms associated with allergy and asthma. They are granulocytes that develop during haematopoiesis in the bone marrow before migrating into blood.
These cells are eosinophilic or 'acid-loving' as shown by their affinity to coal and tar dyes: Normally transparent, it is this affinity that causes them to appear brick-red after staining with eosin, a red dye, using the Romanowsky method. The staining is concentrated in small granules within the cellular cytoplasm, which contain many chemical mediators, such as histamine and proteins such as eosinophil peroxidase, ribonuclease (RNase), deoxyribonucleases, lipase, plasminogen, and major basic protein. These mediators are released by a process called degranulation following activation of the eosinophil, and are toxic to both parasite and host tissues.
In normal individuals, eosinophils make up about 1-6% of white blood cells, and are about 12-17 micrometers in size.[1] They are found in the medulla and the junction between the cortex and medulla of the thymus, and, in the lower gastrointestinal tract, ovary, uterus, spleen, and lymph nodes, but not in the lung, skin, esophagus, or some other internal organs[vague] under normal conditions. The presence of eosinophils in these latter organs is associated with disease. Eosinophils persist in the circulation for 8–12 hours, and can survive in tissue for an additional 8–12 days in the absence of stimulation.[2] Pioneering work in the 1980s elucidated that eosinophils were unique granulocytes, having the capacity to survive for extended periods of time after their maturation as demonstrated by ex-vivo culture experiments.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eosinophil_granulocyte

Eosinofil (bahasa Inggris: eosinophil, acidophil) adalah sel darah putih dari kategori granulosit yang berperan dalam sistem kekebalan dengan melawan parasit multiselular dan beberap infeksi pada makhluk vertebrata. Bersama-sama dengan sel biang, eosinofil juga ikut mengendalikan mekanisme alergi.

Eosinofil terbentuk pada proses haematopoiesis yang terjadi pada sumsum tulang sebelum bermigrasi ke dalam sirkulasi darah.

Eosinofil mengandung sejumlah zat kimiawi antara lain histamin, eosinofil peroksidase, ribonuklease, deoksiribonuklease, lipase, [[plasminogen] dan beberapa asam amino yang dirilis melalui proses degranulasi setelah eosinofil teraktivasi. Zat-zat ini bersifat toksin terhadap parasit dan jaringan tubuh. Eosinofil merupakan sel substrat peradangan dalam reaksi alergi. Aktivasi dan pelepasan racun oleh eosinofil diatur dengan ketat untuk mencegah penghancuran jaringan yang tidak diperlukan.

Individu normal mempunyai rasio eosinofil sekitar 1 hingga 6% terhadap sel darah putih dengan ukuran sekitar 12 - 17 mikrometer.[1]

Eosinofil dapat ditemukan pada medulla oblongata dan sambungan antara korteks otak besar dan timus, dan di dalam saluran pencernaan, ovarium, uterus, limpa dan lymph nodes. Tetapi tidak dijumpai di paru, kulit, esofagus dan organ dalam lainnya, pada kondisi normal, keberadaan eosinofil pada area ini sering merupakan pertanda adanya suatu penyakit.

Eosinofil dapat bertahan dalam sirkulasi darah selama 8-12 jam, dan bertahan lebih lama sekitar 8-12 hari di dalam jaringan apabila tidak terdapat stimulasi.[2]

Sumber: http://wapedia.mobi/id/Eosinofil

Eosinofilia adalah tingginya rasio eosinofil di dalam plasma darah. Eosinofilia bukan merupakan suatu penyakit, tetapi merupakan respon terhadap suatu penyakit. Peningkatan jumlah eosinofil dalam darah dipicu sekresi interleukin-5 oleh sel T, mastosit dan makrofaga, biasanya menunjukkan respon yang tepat terhadap sel-sel abnormal, parasit atau bahan-bahan penyebab reaksi alergi (alergen).

Setelah dibuat di dalam sumsum tulang, eosinofil akan memasuki aliran darah dan tinggal dalam darah hanya beberapa jam, kemudian masuk ke dalam jaringan di seluruh tubuh. Jika suatu bahan asing masuk ke dalam tubuh, akan terdeteksi oleh limfosit dan neutrofil, yang akan melepaskan bahan untuk menarik eosinofil ke daerah ini. Eosinofil kemudian melepaskan bahan racun yang dapat membunuh parasit dan menghancurkan sel-sel yang abnormal.

Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eosinofilia

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