Thursday, September 30, 2010

Food pH List - Balancing Acid/Alkaline Foods

Food pH List - Balancing Acid/Alkaline Foods

FOOD CATEGORY High Alkaline Alkaline Low Alkaline Low Acid Acid High Acid
BEANS, VEGETABLES, LEGUMES Vegetable Juices, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Celery, Garlic, Barley Grass Carrots, Green Beans, Lima Beans, Beets, Lettuce, Zucchini, Carob Squash, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Fresh Corn, Mushrooms, Onions, Cabbage, Peas, Cauliflower, Turnip, Beetroot, Potato, Olives, Soybeans, Tofu Sweet Potato, Cooked Spinach, Kidney Beans Pinto Beans, Navy Beans Pickled Vegetables
FRUIT Dried Figs, Raisins Dates, Blackcurrant, Grapes, Papaya, Kiwi, Berries, Apples, Pears Coconut, Sour Cherries, Tomatos, Oranges, Cherries, Pineapple, Peaches, Avocados, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Strawberries, Papayas, Lemons, Watermelon, Limes Blueberries, Cranberries, Bananas, Plums, Processed Fruit Juices Canned Fruit  
GRAINS, CEREALS         Amaranth, Lentils, Sweetcorn, Wild Rice, Quinoa, Millet, Buckwheat Rye Bread, Whole Grain Bread, Oats, Brown Rice White Rice, White Bread, Pastries, Biscuits, Pasta  
MEAT             Liver, Oysters, Organ Meat Fish, Turkey, Chicken, Lamb Beef, Pork, Veal, Shellfish, Canned Tuna & Sardines
EGGS & DAIRY     Breast Milk Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Goat Milk, Goat Cheese, Buttermilk, Whey Whole Milk, Butter, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Cream, Ice Cream Eggs, Camembert, Hard Cheese Parmasan, Processed Cheese
NUTS & SEEDS     Hazelnuts, Almonds Chestnuts, Brazils, Coconut Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower Seeds Pecans, Cashews, Pistachios Peanuts, Walnuts

Flax Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Canola Oil Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil, Margarine, Lard        
BEVERAGES Herb Teas, Lemon Water Green Tea Ginger Tea Cocoa Wine, Soda/Pop Tea (black), Coffee, Beer, Liquor
SWEETENERS, CONDIMENTS Stevia Maple Syrup, Rice Syrup Raw Honey, Raw Sugar White Sugar, Processed Honey Milk Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Molasses, Jam, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Vinegar Artificial Sweeteners

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stomach Problem

Recently I got really ill, got a stomach problem. Actually it started a year ago, but I just didn't notice. Now that I think back and analyze things, I figured out what might be the cause.

Started when I'm having problem with my digestion system, I don't regularly poo as I was before, because I don't even feel the ache/contraction. A friend of mine introduced me a herbal tea names Chinese Jati Tea (Teh Jati Cina). The dosis is one tea spoon for a glass of water, the color is pale brown. I drink 2 glasses of it in a day. Well it kinda help a little, then I said to my maid to make 2 dose in a bigger mug, so she doesn't have to boil it two times. Later I noticed the color is darker, I thought it might be boiled longer, so the color is thicker. After a while, everytime I drink it, I got more reaction, like feeling more stomach ache. Later I found out that my maid just picked the tea with her fingers, not using tea spoon as a measure anymore. And when I checked, the dose she made was 4x than the normal dose, equals 4 tea spoon for a mug of tea! That means I'm drinking a more solid tea as 4 doses for a one time drink! That's overdose! No wonder I got abnormalities with my stomach.

The last few month I'm getting more severe attack of gastric problem,  it comes and goes, and will heal after a while. But starting Thursday September 16th, the pain comes everyday, each day it's becoming more and more intense. I think it's the collateral damage made by the wrong dose. On Monday I was really in pain at work, but I made it through the day at office. The next day I had to take a day off, it's soooo painfull. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was the worst painfull days I ever experienced. I sweat A LOT when the pain stikes. If my stomach got empty, my gastric started to ache. But if I eat, once the food gets digested, the pain come along, I even vomit a few times. What a dilemmatic situations.

Wednesday till Friday I am making porridge for my meals, I eat small portions each time, and eat every 3-4 hours. Well it's not bad at all, kinda yummy actually. 

I went to see an internist on Thursday noon. He's a good doctor, and to be sure he wants me to check for USG and blood test first before deciding whether I need to have an endoscopy or not. So I did. my USG result is good, no swelling or any other abnormalities. My blood test is also okay, it only shows one abnormality: my Eosinophil level is higher than normal rate. It doesn't tell what disease I am having, but surely indicating that there's something not right inside.

Will go see the doctor again on Thursday, I hope to soon be able to overcome this disease.

Eosinophil granulocytes, usually called eosinophils or eosinophiles (or, less commonly, acidophils), are white blood cells that are one of the immune system components responsible for combating multicellular parasites and certain infections in vertebrates. Along with mast cells, they also control mechanisms associated with allergy and asthma. They are granulocytes that develop during haematopoiesis in the bone marrow before migrating into blood.
These cells are eosinophilic or 'acid-loving' as shown by their affinity to coal and tar dyes: Normally transparent, it is this affinity that causes them to appear brick-red after staining with eosin, a red dye, using the Romanowsky method. The staining is concentrated in small granules within the cellular cytoplasm, which contain many chemical mediators, such as histamine and proteins such as eosinophil peroxidase, ribonuclease (RNase), deoxyribonucleases, lipase, plasminogen, and major basic protein. These mediators are released by a process called degranulation following activation of the eosinophil, and are toxic to both parasite and host tissues.
In normal individuals, eosinophils make up about 1-6% of white blood cells, and are about 12-17 micrometers in size.[1] They are found in the medulla and the junction between the cortex and medulla of the thymus, and, in the lower gastrointestinal tract, ovary, uterus, spleen, and lymph nodes, but not in the lung, skin, esophagus, or some other internal organs[vague] under normal conditions. The presence of eosinophils in these latter organs is associated with disease. Eosinophils persist in the circulation for 8–12 hours, and can survive in tissue for an additional 8–12 days in the absence of stimulation.[2] Pioneering work in the 1980s elucidated that eosinophils were unique granulocytes, having the capacity to survive for extended periods of time after their maturation as demonstrated by ex-vivo culture experiments.


Eosinofil (bahasa Inggris: eosinophil, acidophil) adalah sel darah putih dari kategori granulosit yang berperan dalam sistem kekebalan dengan melawan parasit multiselular dan beberap infeksi pada makhluk vertebrata. Bersama-sama dengan sel biang, eosinofil juga ikut mengendalikan mekanisme alergi.

Eosinofil terbentuk pada proses haematopoiesis yang terjadi pada sumsum tulang sebelum bermigrasi ke dalam sirkulasi darah.

Eosinofil mengandung sejumlah zat kimiawi antara lain histamin, eosinofil peroksidase, ribonuklease, deoksiribonuklease, lipase, [[plasminogen] dan beberapa asam amino yang dirilis melalui proses degranulasi setelah eosinofil teraktivasi. Zat-zat ini bersifat toksin terhadap parasit dan jaringan tubuh. Eosinofil merupakan sel substrat peradangan dalam reaksi alergi. Aktivasi dan pelepasan racun oleh eosinofil diatur dengan ketat untuk mencegah penghancuran jaringan yang tidak diperlukan.

Individu normal mempunyai rasio eosinofil sekitar 1 hingga 6% terhadap sel darah putih dengan ukuran sekitar 12 - 17 mikrometer.[1]

Eosinofil dapat ditemukan pada medulla oblongata dan sambungan antara korteks otak besar dan timus, dan di dalam saluran pencernaan, ovarium, uterus, limpa dan lymph nodes. Tetapi tidak dijumpai di paru, kulit, esofagus dan organ dalam lainnya, pada kondisi normal, keberadaan eosinofil pada area ini sering merupakan pertanda adanya suatu penyakit.

Eosinofil dapat bertahan dalam sirkulasi darah selama 8-12 jam, dan bertahan lebih lama sekitar 8-12 hari di dalam jaringan apabila tidak terdapat stimulasi.[2]


Eosinofilia adalah tingginya rasio eosinofil di dalam plasma darah. Eosinofilia bukan merupakan suatu penyakit, tetapi merupakan respon terhadap suatu penyakit. Peningkatan jumlah eosinofil dalam darah dipicu sekresi interleukin-5 oleh sel T, mastosit dan makrofaga, biasanya menunjukkan respon yang tepat terhadap sel-sel abnormal, parasit atau bahan-bahan penyebab reaksi alergi (alergen).

Setelah dibuat di dalam sumsum tulang, eosinofil akan memasuki aliran darah dan tinggal dalam darah hanya beberapa jam, kemudian masuk ke dalam jaringan di seluruh tubuh. Jika suatu bahan asing masuk ke dalam tubuh, akan terdeteksi oleh limfosit dan neutrofil, yang akan melepaskan bahan untuk menarik eosinofil ke daerah ini. Eosinofil kemudian melepaskan bahan racun yang dapat membunuh parasit dan menghancurkan sel-sel yang abnormal.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Train Accident

Yesterday afternoon there's been a train accident. A guy in motorcycle was forcing to cross a train track while the sirene already ringing. He thought he could still make it, but the train was already near. The train hit him, throwing his body into the river by the road side.

Later the body was lifted up and many people gather around the accident area. I took the pic from my office building, I didn't want to go down to the street to take a closer look. My friend went down to see. The body was already covered with old newspapers, but he can still see the blood shattered on the road.

This kind of thing happens a lot here in Jakarta. I mean, people just keep trespassing while the train alarm ringing and the crossbar already set down. People just don't have the patience to wait a minute or two even if it's risking their own life... was it worthed?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


One of my office colleague is resigning, and today is his last day in this office. We alredy had our farewell dinner earlier on Tuesday, September 7th at Eaton Restaurant, Mangga Dua Square.

Nothing much we could say to express our gratitude and our loss of his leave, we bought a sport watch for him as something to remember us by.
And I made him a photo montage of our caricature with our faces there. Hope he likes it.

To our beloved colleague... a leader, a team mate, a friend: Hendri Hendarko.

Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living. Have a blessed new journey! \(^o^)/

Marketing Team - PrimaFood International

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Photo Size

Standard sizes of photo printing in mm:

60 x 90
89 x 127
102 x 152
127 x 178
152 x 203
203 x 254
8R Plus
203 x 305
254 x 305
10R Plus
254 x 381
279 x 356
11R Plus
279 x 432
305 x 381
12R Plus
305 x 465

Sizes in cm and inch:
3R = 8,89 x 12,7 cm = 3,5 x 5 inch
4R = 10,16 x 15,24 cm = 4 x 6 inch
5R = 12,7 x 17,78 cm = 5 x 7 inch
6R = 15,2 × 20,3 cm = 6 × 8 inch
8R = 20,32 x 25,4 cm = 8 x 10 inch
S8R = 20,3 × 30,5 cm = 8 x 12 inch
10R = 25,4 x 30,48 cm = 10 x 12 inch
S10R = 25,4 × 38,1 cm = 10 × 15 inch
11R = 27,9 × 35,6 cm = 11 × 14 inch
S11R = 27,9 × 43,2 mm = 11 × 17 inch
12R = 30,48 x 39,37 cm = 12 x 15,5 inch
S12R = 30,5 × 46,5 cm = 12 × 18 inch
16R = 40,64 x 50,8 cm = 16 x 20 inch
20R = 50,8 x 60,96 cm = 20 x 24 inch
24R = 60,96 x 80 cm = 24 x 31,5 inch
30R = 75 x 100 cm = 30 x 40 inch

Monday, September 6, 2010

Uang Palsu

Hati-hati bagi pengguna mata uang Rupiah, karena pemalsuan sedang marak kembali. Belum lama ini seorang Team Leader SPG kantor saya "tertipu" menerima uang palsu.

1. Cetakan kasar, garis2 lengkungnya kurang transparan.
2. Gambar tembus pandang berupa sketsa asal-asalan.

3. Hasil cetak tidak tajam, agak blur. Warnanya juga berbeda.
4. Tahun dan tanda tangan berbeda.
5. Ukuran berbeda.

6. Warna-warna tambahan lebih kasar [kontras].
7. Pita hologram berbeda. Yang asli ada tulisan BI dan angka di pitanya.

Menurut Lucky Fathul A.H (Direktur direktorat peredaran uang) sedikitnya ada 9 cara mudah mengenali tanda-tanda uang kertas rupiah asli yaitu:

1. Tanda Air - Pada kertas uang terdapat tanda air berupa gambar yang
dapat dilihat bila diterawang ke arah cahaya.
2. Benang Pengaman - Ditanam pada ketebalan kertas sehingga tampak sebagai garis melintang dari atas ke bawah, dapat dibuat tidak memendar maupun memendar dibawah sinar ultra violet dengan satu warna ataupun beberapa warna.
3. Cetak Intaglio - Cetakan yang timbul dan akan tampak jika diraba.
4. Rectoverso - Pencetakan suatu ragam bentuk yang menghasilkan cetakan pada bagian muka dan belakang beradu tepat (saling mengisi).
5. Optical Variable Ink - Hasil cetak mengkilap (glittering) yang berubah-ubah warnanya bila dilihat dari sudut pandang berbeda.
6. Huruf Mikro - Pencetakan tulisan dalam ukuran mikro dan hanya dapat dilihat dengan kaca pembesar.
7. Invisible Ink - Hasil cetak tidak kasat mata tetapi tampak lebih jelas memendar di bawah sinar ultra violet.
8. Multilayer latent image/metal layer - Teknik cetak dimana dalam satu bidang cetakan terlihat; lebih dari datu obyek gambar bila dilihat dari sudut pandang berbeda.
9. Color Window/Clear window - Pada uang kertas terdapa bagian yang terbuat dari plastik transparan berwarna/tidak berwarna.

Disadur dari: Business News 7091 tgl 28-07-2004

Mengetes uang Rp 100.000; Rp 50.000 dan Rp 20.000
1. Lipat menjadi 4 bagian secara simetris memanjang
2. Tekan uang tersebut dengan perasaan secukupnya
3. Buka perlahan-lahan lipatan uang tsb
4. Bila kacamata Bung Hatta, WR Supratman atau Ki Hajar pecah berarti palsu
5. Khusus 50.000-an, periksa teks lagunya, kalau bukan Indonesia Raya pasti palsu

Mengetes uang Rp 10.000
1. Lipat menjadi 4 bagian secara memanjang
2. Tekan uang tersebut dengan tekanan secukupnya
3. Kalau uangnya jadi basah karena kawahnya tumpah; atau kalau konde Cut Nyak Dien lepas berarti palsu

Untuk uang Rp 5.000
1. Ambil sisir rambut di rumah, kemudian gesekkan pada uang tersebut.
2. Apabila jenggot Imam Bonjol rontok berarti palsu. Apabila tambah panjang berarti palsu juga!!

Untuk ngetes palsu tidaknya uang 1.000-an
Cari SD Negeri terdekat, cukup taruh di trotoar depan sekolah, kalau hilang berarti asli....

Uang 500 an kertas agak susah dites, karena anak-anak SD aja sudah nyuekin, satu-satunya cara adalah remes kenceng2, kalau monyetnya teriak berarti palsu. 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Loka Ayu

Yay! I went to have a facial today hehehe... There's this beauty center for hair do, make up, facial, and scrubs just across my parent's house. Sometimes I go there, just relaxing and having a girlie-thing.
To think that one day I'm gonna live abroad, I am gonna miss my patrons at Loka Ayu. Lasma for facial, Erna for lulur [scrubs], and Elisabeth the massanger.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Interview Qory Sandioriva

Is she for real?!!!


I think that when you downed woman can make you up.
And I think that woman can be said there….
I have advice for you that umm.. if you way up, you have to be nice to people.. ex.. ehh… including woman.
So when you downed, woman can be… nice with you *nod nod*


The best gift somebody ever given to me… is thew...
oned box that ee the… that ????! is not a good or beautiful but.. it’s it.. it a have a sound, a beautiful sound that makes me… love a music. I love a music now.

And emm...
Now, I ‘m a singer and I’m study err a singer for jazz, eem for classical and of course pop.
That is emm makes me know what I want to do…
That makes me know what I love it.
Wha.. That makes me know emm…. what job or what kind.. eer activity that I love it…


In... one restaurant… and that is… the day is that I know she.. ah he’s a playboy
So he... He have a three girlfriends.. like em including me.
But before that I know that they have a more than one... one hundred.. girlfriend.. hh… *chuckles*

It’s very bad, but I know but it the good is now.. he always care for me he’re not.. be a best friend for me… and… He always protect me…
Don’t.. please Qory… don’t like me.. don’t.. don’t don’t the same like me
Emm You… you are emm nice girl.. Err you are…
So he never touch me like a… you know like a playboy.. but..
He always.. he always.. emmm make me comfortable in beside her…
And umm yah it’s very bad.. bad… bad day
but umm he inspiring me to be the tough woman.


LION: Rrr… Aaarrrr! Aarrrr!!
ENGINE STARTING: gassing sound [huh?!!] breaking sound… beem beem [honking?!]
ROCKET LAUNCH: teet.. teet.. teet.. teet.. BOOF!! [explotion?!] Waaahh.. is that..? ahahaa...
SHEEP: Mbee mbeee mbee
COW: Hmmm hmmm hmmmmmmm [speechless (¬_ ¬")]
ROBOT: Beep beep I’m a robot good hello hi morning I’m a robot.. yeah hi… is that? Haha…

Not only messed up in her grammar and pronounciation... Her answers are "not smart" and she answered with long and unnecesary explainations. And in some of the "sound-effect task", I don't think she even understand clearly the main idea of the questions...