Thursday, January 20, 2011

Aikido: 2nd Lesson

Wed, January 19th 2011

We practice 3 types of "Grab and Throw" today.

1. Ushiro Ryote Dori Kokyu Nage
2. Katate Ryote Dori Kokyu Nage
3. Katate Dori Sumi Otosi

Sensei Dimas demonstrates the movements and teaches us how to fall and roll while being thrown. Then we're divided into 4 lines behind 4 Sensei, we que and practice with one of the Sensei.

Ushiro Ryote Dori Kokyu Nage (Rear Grab)
This is a Nage (throwing) movement against rear grab, attack from behind.

Katate Ryote Dori Kokyu Nage (Front Grab)
Nage (throwing) movement against front grab.
There are 2 ways to do this movement: using Irimi-Tenkan and Ikkyo Undo.

Katate Dori Sumi Otosi (Frontal One Hand Grab)
Watch the attacker's foot, we put out foot like mirror. If Attacker (Uke) places his/her right foot at front, we place our left foot at front.

Here's a good link for basic techniques:

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