Thursday, December 23, 2010

Paranormal Activity: Voices in Ladies Rest Room

I'm sharing a story based on my friend's experience, let's say that her name is "N".
This is a true story, happened a few years ago when her office just moved into another building. 

There wasn't many people in the 5A Floor at that time, and there were roumors about weird things in that floor, so it wasn't "bright and merry".

N was alone in the ladies rest room when she heard voices. 
"Sssst! Ssssst!"

N stood in silence, listening... waiting...

There are 3 booths in the rest room, but no one came out.

N ran out from the rest room, she went straight to the General Affairs: Mr. Nasripin and Mr. Dadang. She told them she heard voices in ladies rest room. Mr. Nasripin contacted the Building Management, asked them to check the rest room.

So the building management guy went there to check.
Oh yes, he found something... the one who made the voices!



It's an Automatic Perfume Sprayer.

Sssst! Sssst! 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bajaj Moment

Okay, it's raining again in the afternoon, a hard rain. I'm hitching a ride with a friend on motorcycle, and since I lend him my rain coat, I made myself a "rain coat" from a big trash bag plastic, yeah... THE black trash bag.

So I put my belongings in a plastic, then I close my bag tidely, wear my jacket, put on my bag, and wear the black "rain coat".

Kinda ironic, when we got out from the building, the rain seemed to stop bpbpbhhh come ooon... it's stopping... now that I'm ready with my "armor". You gotta be kidding....

But later as we passes the flood at some areas in Gunung Sahari Road, the rain falls again... Woohoooo... I hitch hike until Pramuka Road, and it's raining heavily again. So I continue my journey home with Bajaj. Here we go with the Vibe and Dance!

Bupbupbupbupbupbup... Rrrrmmmm... Bupbupbupbup...

Uh Oh! Not long after I move along with the Bajaj Vibrations, the traffic jam strikes in. We're Stuck! We're stuck for about 1 hour in Pramuka Road, but luckily the road is clear after passing the By Pass traffic light.

Home home... here come...

 More videos will be uploaded tomorrow... to be continued, I'm sleeeeepy now. :P

Raindrops keep falling on my Bajaj

Stuck in a traffic Jam

A minute inside Bajaj Part 1: Jamming

A minute inside Bajaj Part 2: Hoping for Freedom
A minute inside Bajaj Part 3: The Great Escape


Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Just A Box

Just sharing a simple but meaningful experience from my friend. I’ve done a little editing and made the translated version in English.
So here it is… please do enjoy. Happy reading!!

Edited Indonesian version

It’s Just A Box
Oleh Grace Suryani
21 Oktober 2010
Pk. 11:05

Malem tadi ada kejadian yang sederhana tapi mengingatkan gue akan sesuatu. Tadi siang, gue bawain lunch box buat Tepen. Nah ketika dia pulang, udeh sampe halte bus, di telpon dia bilang, “Hun, aduh lunch box nya ketinggalan. Kalo senin baru dibawa pulang oke kan ya?”

Pikiran pertama gue langsung, “OH NO!!!” Kotak plastik makan siang bekas buat makan kagak dicuci selama 4 hari!?!?!? Erh!! Don’t think that’s a good ideaaa. Udeh kebayang, ntar lengketnya gmana en juga... baunya gmana. *Ugh*
Nyaris bilang “Jangaaaann!! Kamu balik lagi ke kantor trus bawa pulang deh. Ntar bau, lengket, kotor ah. Tunggu sampe senin!? Kelamaan lagiiii!!”

Itu kalimat udeh ampir meluncur dari lidah gue, en tepat sebelon gue bilang gitu, ada pikiran yang Tuhan taruh di otak gue, “It’s just a box. Apakah box lebih berharga daripada suamimu yang kelaparan? Is that worthed enough untuk minta dia balik lagi??” EErrrhh.

Well, sekalipun kagak ada ayatnya, I’m quite sure itu Babe yg taruh di hati gue, coz itu sangat bertentangan dengan apa yg tadinya gue pikirkan. :p Akhirnya gue bilang, “Ow ya udah Hun, tinggal aja. It’s just a box.“

Kejadiannya tuh berlangsung cepet sekaliii. Kalo tadi gue ngga peka en suruh Tepen balik, I’ll have a hungry and angry man ketika dia pulang. En itu semua hanya karena semua lunch box?

Oh come on... Konyol banget sihhh...

Mungkin begitu pikiran kita. But, setelah married 10 bulan, gue jadi sadar, banyak pertengkaran itu terjadi karena hal-hal kecil seperti ini. Mungkin yg diributkan bukan karena lunch box, tapi tangki mobil yang (lagi-lagi) lupa diisi, panci discount yang ternyata setelah dibeli kagak bisa dipake, en inti dari semua pertengkaran itu adalah... kita tanpa sadar lebih menghargai barang-barang itu drpd suami kita.
Kita lebih peduli pada dapur yang bersih drpd menghibur suami yang kecapean. Lebih sayang pada lunch box drpd suami.

Oh kita para wanita bisa pake banyak alasan, dari ngga higienis lah sampe biar menghemat, tapi sebenernya pesan yang kita berikan kepada suami kita adalah, “Gue lebih menghargai ini drpd loe... These stuffs are more precious to me than you are...

“Be, thx a lot udeh mengingatkan dan memampukan utk bilang, “Never mind hun, it’s just a box.” And with those words I can show and tell Tepen that he’s indeed more precious than that lunch box.

Translated English Version

It’s Just A Box
By Grace Suryani
on Thursday, October 21, 2010

Last night there was a simple incident but reminded me of something. This noon, I brought a lunch box for Tepen. When he’s on the way home, as he reached the bus stop, he said on the phone, “Hun, I left the lunch box. If I bring it home on Monday is okay ya?”

My first thought immediately, “OH NO!” Plastic box that was used for eating lunch not being washed for 4 days!?!?!? Erh! Don’t think that's a good idea. Imagine, it will be sticky... smelly. * Ugh *
Almost said “Nooooooo!! You return to the office then take home deh. It’ll be smelly, sticky, dirty ah. Wait until monday!?!? Too long laaaaah!”

That sentence almost rolled from my tongue, right before I said it, there is a thought that God puts in my mind, “It’s just a box. Is the box more precious than your starving husband who? Is it worthed enough to have him back again??” Errrhh.

Well, even if there’s no verse about it, I’m quite sure that God put that in my heart, coz it is very contradiction to what I was thinking. :P

Finally I said, “Ow yes Hun, just let it be. It’s just a box.” :) It happened sooooo fast. If I had been insensitive and told Tepen to go back to get it, I’ll have a hungry and angry man when he came home. And it’s all just because of the lunch box!

Oh come on... that’s so silly...

Maybe that’s what we have in our minds. But, after being married for 10 months, I became aware, a lot of fights occur because of little things like this. Probably not because of a lunch box, but forgot (again) to fill the car’s tank, a discounted pot which turns out to be useless after it’s been bought, and the point of all those arguments are... we unconsciously appreciating the stuffs better than our husbands.
We are more concerned with a clean kitchen rather than entertaining a tired husband. We care more about a lunch box rather than our husband.

Oh we, women, could use a lot of reasons, from the hygienic matter until economical savings, but actually the message we give to our husbands is, “I appreciate this more than you... These stuffs are more precious to me than you are...”

Heavenly Father, thx a lot, for reminding me and made me capable to say, “Never mind hun, it’s just a box.” And with those words I can show and tell Tepen that he’s indeed more precious than that lunch box.

About the writer

Grace Suryani is a writer and an author.
Until today, Grace has 4 books being published in public, including Tuhan Masih Menulis Cerita Cinta, 2009 (her latest book). You can get this book at the stores, or buy it online from Gloria Graffa, or other sites
You can read more about Grace here or here.

Other books:
1. The Puzzle of Teenage Life, Kairos, 2004.
2. The Puzzle of Jomblo Life, Kairos, 2005.
3. Tuhan Mengapa Aku Harus ke China, Gloria Graffa, 2008.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Do you like "mie"?

Source: a friend (^_^)

Overseas male guest come to Jakarta office.
A local female staff accompany dinner, the female ask the male guest, "Do you like 'mie'?" (mie=noodle).
Male guest astonished, "What?" and the female repeatedly say it.
Male guest, "Wow, Jakarta gals very agressive." :))

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

How To Loose Belly Fat: Exercises

Kneading Method for Losing Belly Fat

In fact, less women would like to be under the knife (liposuction) or on a diet to get rid of belly fat, and you can never lose your belly fat in one day, you must start from the detail. Use correct massage gesture when you smear weight loss oil on your belly, massage is not only a passive sport but also helpful for expulsion of toxin.

Abdomen In & Slim Waist Massage Steps:

Step 1: Knead your belly in a clockwise direction, then press your bellybutton.
Step 2: Knead your belly in rotating way with your finger pulp in same place.

Step 3: Put your hands on the outside of waist, push and press from outside to inside
Step 4: Bunch your hands into fists, push the belly from outside to inside
Step5: Use your finger tip, push and press downwards from bellybutton.


Lose Belly Fat in Minutes a Day

Would you like to lose excess abdominal fat? you can do one or more of the following steps, once a day, several minutes once, insist on the exercise for several days, you will get a obvious effect.
Lose potbelly
This exercise can help reduce the lelly and lower abdomen to make it more solid, beautify your body.
The number: 60 times each exercise.

Step 1: Lie on the floor, flatten your waist and back, two hands vertical beside your body.

Step 2: Raise your legs up with force at a 45 degree angle, in the meantime keep your upper body and hands still.

Step 3: Continue to raise your feet up, until your buttocks off the floor, make your belly in compression, hold for 2 to 3 seconds.

Lower Abdomen Exercise 
Effect: This exercise will help exercise abdominal muscles, shrink your potbelly effectively, make your lumbar curve look more prominent.
The number: 60 times each exercise.

Step 1: Lie on the floor, knees bent slightly, straighten your feet and back, flatten them against the floor, bend your hands beside your ears.

Step 2: Raise your belly with force, drive up the head, until you feel that your lower abdomen muscle be strained.

5 Abdominal Muscle Exercise Actions

As we know it, belly is the best likely part of body to be fat, so you should exercise abdominal muscles mostly to get rid of belly fat.

Action 1: Hold your legs together, stretched your arms and parallel to floor, your eyes should look directly at your fingertips, tighten your lower jaw, raise your upper body for 10 to 15 times, don't swing your head.

Action 2: Open your arms, maintain your upper body stable, flatten your back against the floor, then raise your lower leg at 45 degree angle to your thigh, with your legs by turns. Try to raise your legs up with your transversus abdominis muscles, do that for 10 to 15 times.

Action 3: Put your hands beside your ears, open your elbow joint, then raise your upper body up slowly at a 45 degree angle, your ribs should go down, breathe forth when go up, take your abdomen in. Do it for 10 to 15 times.

Action 4: Knees bent, put your arms on your head and straighten, raise your upper body, take your abdomen in, swing your arms up and down, swing 3 to 5 times when breathe in, swing 3 to 5 times when breathe out. Do the exercise 10 to 15 times.

Action 5: Raise your upper body, hold your knees by turns with your hands, keep your lower leg parallel to the floor. Do the exercise 10 to 15 times.
Notes: After the belly fat exercises, lie on your back for a rest, relax your belly. Not too intense during your exercise, and imagine that your abdomin

3 Simple Belly Exercises That You Can Do In Bed

Now, let's teach you to do a simple exercise in bed, which targets your belly fat.

Section 1: lying down-up and twist body
Preparatory Posture: lying flat on back, split your legs and bend your knees, touch your earlobes with your hands.

Action Essentials: lift your upper body up to 30-40 degrees, and turn your body left, touch right elbow joint to your left knee, recover your body, redo that in a direction opposite.
Action Required: your upper body should be straight, and the action should be slow and free-flowing.
Exercise's Effect: exercise muscles in the lower abdomen and upper abdominal muscles, and make your belly flat and solid, this is the best one of belly fat exercises for who have belly fat.

Section 2: Lying down & Abdomen in & Leg raise
Preparatory Posture: Lying down, bend your knees, feet 10 cm away from the floor.
Action Essentials: Take your lower abdomen in forcibly to lift your lower abdomen up, buttocks off the floor(middle and right), then return to preparatory posture, repeat 20 times over.
Action Required: Don't put forth your strength on arms, when the abdominal muscles can't complete this action, arms can give some help.
Exercise's Effect: Exercise muscles in the lower abdomen

Section 3: Pedaling Exercise
Preparatory Posture: Lying down, put your two arms on each side of your body, bend one leg in front of your chest, unbend another leg.(left)
Action Essentials: bend your leg, draw a circle forwards and straighten your leg(middle pic), at the same time, take another leg back to your chest, don't touch your leg to the floor.
Exercise's Effect: Exercise the lower abdominal muscles.

4 Steps to Flatten Your Belly in Bed

The biggest trouble for office ladies may be the growing belly fat. This exercise 10 minutes a day before going to bed, can get rid of belly fat easily.

Step 1: Flatten your body and lie in bed, cross your arms on your chest, bring your back against the bed, knees bent slightly, then turn your head left, meantime, move your legs towards the right, then turn your head right and move your legs towards the left. Repeat 10 times.

Step 2: Lie in bed, cross your hands behind your head, knees bent slightly, then hold your head with your hands and sit up, bring your head close to your knees, just like "sit-up". Repeat 10 times.

Step 3: Lie in bed, cross your hands behind your head, do the exercise riding bicycle with your legs, cycle forwards 10 times, then cycle backwards 10 times.

Step 4: Lie in bed, straighten your legs, knead the area of your bellybutton slightly from outside to inside, then from inside to outside.

After step 4, you will feel comfortable, lie down silently for a moment. Insist on the exercise for two months, you will see obvious effect. Of course, besides exercises, you should also pay attention on your diet.

Waist Curve Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

Extending exercise to soften your hip joint
This exercise can keep your hip joint more soft, it's a good way to lose belly fat, as long as you hold on the exercise, the curve from waist to leg end will be more beautiful.
Straighten your legs, bend your waist forward, touch your hands to the floor. Keep this posture, lift one of your legs up and extend the leg, then change to another leg to lift. Lie face down on floor, hold your ankles with your hands, bend your back backward with force, try hard to stretch the inside of thigh muscle. Do the splits on the floor as far as possible, focus your body weight on the back leg.


Extending exercise to make your waist slim
Lie face up on the floor, hold your legs together and lift up, perpendicular with the floor, bend your tiptoes toward your body. Breathe out, at the same time turn your legs sideways with legs together, don't bend knees as far as possible. when your legs touch the floor nearly, turn back to the start position slowly. Change to another side to do, 10 times each side.

Abdominal Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

Abdominal exercise can get rid of excess abdominal fat, don't force you to complete the exercises, just do your best. By the way, our site have kinds of belly fat exercises, you can also choose another one that's suitable for you.

Lying down, straighten your legs naturally, put arms on sides of your body. Take a breath, then maintain the posture.

Sit up slowly when you breathe out, if you feel belly floppy, do that with force. Maintain the posture for 5 seconds.

Continue to breath, put strength in your abdominal as far as possible, meanwhile, let your body bend forward, breathe out fully.


When you breathe, move your body backward until lying down. Repeat actions 1 to 4 as possible as you can, at the beginning, don't force you to do that.


Lift your legs to compact your belly

Effect: Exercise abdominal muscle, and lose your belly fat.

Action 1: Stand up, raise your arms up

Action 2: Bend the right knee and raise to the level of chest, put down your arms and bend them forwards in front of your chest. Return to action 1 and change to left leg. 20 times a group.

Coach tips:
1. You should not only do abdomen exercise to lose belly fat, but also strengthen the whole body exercise. You can do half an hour of aerobic exercise before abdomen exercise.
2. When you Do belly fat exercises, as far as possible to slow down action, don't complete action with the help of inertia. At first, you can pay attention to exercise part, and keep other parts still.
3. If you feel an ache in your abdomen after the exercise, you can do some stretching exercises that bending forwards and backwards,to help to tighten the abdominal lines.
4. Do 3 times a week as much as possible, have a rest for one day between two times. Don't worry that you can't get the desired effect, as long as you do the exercise more enough with correct posture, you must can have the perfect abdominal muscles.

6 Exercises To Flatten Your Belly Quickly

Action 1: Lying Down and Abdomen In
Lying down on resistance ball, bend your legs at a 90-degree angle, then put them on the floor slowly. put hands in front of your chest or beside your head, then force your abdomen to lift your body up 75 degrees, and look at the ceiling. To get rid of belly fat, repeat 12-20 times.

Action 2:Side-waist Muscle Group Exercise
Lie on one side, put one hand in front of your forehead, hold the resistance ball with another hand, turn your body and head to one side, hold your legs together and straighten, pull and constrict your side-waist muscle group, you can exercise side-waist muscle by the sit-up.

Action 3:Exercise Waist Muscles
This action will exercise your waist muscles by leg lifting. Sit on the floor, bend one leg and straighten another on the floor, straighten your hands, then lift your legs up slowly, make your waist straight as possible as you can. If you want to achieve better results, you can straighten your two legs together and lift them up, touch your legs to your hands that you put out.

Action 4:Extend Side-waist Muscle Group and Arm Muscle
Support your body with your right hand, turn your body and head to one side, cross your legs and straighten, increase the gravitation with gravity, meantime, do the exercise that extends your left arm towards ceiling, after 10-20 seconds, breathe forth, put your body and arm down slowly, maintain the state of relaxation, then rest for 5 seconds, repeat the exercise.

Action 5:Lift Leg and Tighten Waist
Keep your feet as wide as your shoulders, sit and lie on the floor, move your legs to ceiling(don't bend your legs), keep the state for 10-15 seconds, then put down slowly. Repeat the exercise.

Action 6:Lie prone and Abdomen In
Lie prone on the floor, bend your arms into a 90-degree angle and clench fist, open your elbows as wide as your shoulders, put your tiptoes on the floor, touch your knees to the floor, take a breath and straighten your legs, support your body up with the force of your arms and legs, make your body in line, force your abdomen to support your back, keep the state for 20-30 seconds, more time, more better.

3 Local Exercise Actions To Lose Belly Fat

As an office lady, do you get in trouble with your belly fat? try the 3 local exercise actions, it's easy and effective to get rid of belly fat.

Action 1: Sitting on the place one-third of bench, hold your legs together, make your thighs at less than 90-degrees with your body, take your lower abdomen in.

Action 2: Lift your legs, make your abdomen tight, when take your abdomen in and raise you body up, don't make your elbow forwards, eyes to see the direction of 45 degrees, which can avoid to force your neck.

Action 3: Lift your legs for 2 seconds, let your abdomen feel tight, and then revert to the initial state for 4 seconds.

Five Steps to Own Slim Waist and Beautiful Belly

Step 1
Stand akimbo, one leg forward and bent less 90 degrees, tighten your muscles of the hip, shift barycenter between your legs, ensure that the tiptoes of your front leg is in front of the knee joint, then change another leg to do. Count left and right as one time, do 15 times.

Step 2
Hold the chair back with one hand, turn your feet "V", heel up, hip tight, bend knees downwards slowly until half squat, shrink your belly and hip, do 10 times.

Step 3
Hold the chair back with hands, one leg backward, tighten your hip, keep your stomach in and lift your waist.

Step 4
Stand akimbo, one leg on the chair and extend the leg, tighten your hip, then bend knees slowly. Half squat, abdomen in, waist up, do 10 times each leg.

Step 5
Kneeling on the floor, support your body with your elbows, single leg up, the knee joint bent, bend your knee backwards. Take your hip as a support point, straighten the leg upwards slowly, tighten your hip. Do 10 times each leg.

5 Steps to Get Your Waist Slim Like a Snake

If you'd like to own "snake-waist", do the following belly fat exercises, you can get it easily. Warming up: Before exercising, walk several rounds in house, 3 to 5 minutes is ok.
1. Pelvis Exercise
(1) Lie on the cushion, relax your hip, knees bent.
(2) Shrink your belly in with force and breathe lightly, waist on the floor, raise your hip lightly.
(3) Repeat the above-mentioned actions 20 times.

2.Upper Belly Exercise
(1) Lie on the floor and raise lower legs up, bend lower legs at a certain angle.
(2) Shrink the muscles of abdomen, raise the pelvis up, waist on the floor
(3) Cross your lower legs
(4) Hold your head with your hands, elbows upward
(5) lift your shoulders lightly, try hard to make your shoulder close to knees, thighs fixed
(6) Keep your lower legs fixed (if you can't hold, put legs on a chair)
(7) Repeat the above-mentioned actions 10 to 20 times

3.Lower Belly Exercise
(1) Lie on the floor with your hands beside your body
(2) Shrink the muscles of abdomen, raise the pelvis up, waist on the floor
(3) Bend your knees toward your face, lift your lower lges up, bring lower legs at a certain angle with your upper body
(4) Cross your legs at ankle joint
(5) Shrink the muscles of your lower abdomen, lift your hip up, move your knees lightly toward the shoulders
(6) Put down your hip, then repeat the actions 10 to 15 times
Tips: for a obvious effect, you need to spend some time to do the exercise; this exercise acts on pubis and lower abdomen, it's easy to do.
snake waist-3

4.Upper Belly and Waist Exercise
(1) Same start posture with Upper Belly Exercise, the difference is that, one leg bent, another leg straight
(2) Twist your shoulders, try hard to make one side shouder close to another side knee
(3) Do the above-mentioned actions from slow to fast and with rhythm, repeat 10 to 20 times
Tips: Extending lower legs, your abdominal muscle will withstand more weight, so you can raise your lower legs more high at the beginning, with the increase in the times of exercises, put your lower legs lower gradually

snake waist 4

5. Muscle Relaxation Exercise
(1) After the belly exercise, to relax your muscles, press your knees close to the chest, waist on the floor, hold your knees with hands
(2) Breathe slowly and deeply for several times

snake waist 5